We specialize in the examination, diagnosis, treatment, management and prevention of diseases and disorders of the eye and visual system.
A thorough eye examination is more than just a vision test and includes a complete ocular health assessment. Vision testing enables us to determine the need for prescription glasses, contact lenses or binocular vision therapy. Ocular health assessments involve testing for cataracts, glaucoma, macular degeneration, dry eye, diabetic retinopathy and many other eye conditions.
Has your baby met all of their developmental milestones? Infants should have their first eye exam by age 6 months*
Does your child squint, rub their eyes, or have trouble reading? Children between the ages of 0-19 should have an eye exam every year.
Have you heard about Computer Vision Syndrome? Do you suffer from headaches or tired eyes at the end of the day? Adults between the ages of 20 and 64 should have an eye exam every 1 -2 years.
Do you suffer from decreased night vision? Are you finding it more difficult to read? Seniors age 65 and older should have their eye exam every year.